Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So, as usual the devil tries to keep me so busy I don't take the time to stop and spend quiet time with the Lord.  There are so many obstacles right now that I feel overwhelmed.  We have more money going out than we do coming in.  It is just so tight right now with the kids going back to school.  They are needing new clothes and school supplies.  My in laws actually helped with the school supplies and I really appreciate that.  It was a huge blessing.  But, I am still needing money for clothes and bills!  I am sort of funny when it comes to things like this because instead of spending lots time in prayer and reading my Bible, I'm trying to find ways to "fix" the problem.  I know that if I were to sit down in deep prayer and Bible study I would find a solution to my problem.  This is where the Mary in me needs to come out and Martha needs to be suppressed a little bit!  LOL  I am always looking for a "quick" fix to my problems.  Other obstacles are dealing with our church.  We have some decisions to make soon and it is scary as well as exciting.  All of that along with some problems at work has really had me stressed out lately!

Satan likes to keep me busy.  That is one of the tools he uses on all of us.  Think about it, we have so much to keep our minds going between TV, Computers, Cell Phones, Facebook, Video Games . . . The list could go on and on of things that Satan uses to keep us busy and keep us drifting further and further away from God.  I am determined to get my quiet time with God in and make that a routine.

Keep praying for me and for my hubby.  There's just alot going on and we've got some big decisions to make in the near future.

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