Monday, September 19, 2011

I had to make a difficult decision this past weekend.  Things came to a head and I had to make a choice as to whether or not to continue my online classes or not.  I had already began the semester but I was struggling.  I didn't understand the material and I was having a hard time making the time to do the work.  So, Saturday morning I sat on my front porch with my Bible and I prayed about what to do.  I knew my husband would be upset and disappointed in me.  That is one of the main reasons I didn't want to quit.  But, I realized I can't do this for him.  I had to pray about what GOD wanted me to do.  I really feel that quitting is the right thing.  I may be wrong, I might be feeling that way because it's what I want.  But, I feel peace about this decision.  There are several reasons for my decision.  Lately I have been feeling like I'm not meant to be a web designer.  I've been feeling that my purpose in life has nothing to do with computers.  I just feel like God is calling me to something more.  What is so bad, is that I don't feel like I can talk to my husband about that.  I don't know why.  You would think He would be the one person that would understand.  I told him, and as I figured he was disappointed.  He doesn't understand how hard it is for me.  He thinks I should be able to make the time to do this.  One of the main things he doesn't want me to do is just give up.  We don't want to teach our children to give up on things just because it gets tough.  I understand that but this goes deeper than that and I just can't get him to understand.  I'm sure he will understand better in time.  I told him I would try harder to lose weight if I didn't have to concentrate so much on school!  LOL 

Meanwhile today is his birthday!  I know, good birthday present right?  "I'm quitting school, Happy Birthday"!  LOL  We have been so busy this past weekend that we haven't had a lot of time to celebrate.  I made him a pound cake Saturday and we had a fish fry with his parents.  I bought him something but I haven't given it to him yet.  I can't really buy much for him since he is unemployed and we don't have any money.  But, hopefully that will change soon.  He has an interview tomorrow that sounds pretty promising.  I'm praying about that!  We both are.  I think it will work out good for him and for our family.  We will see soon enough I guess!

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